Pitch XXL

Dear you,
You are invited.

« At StartLab, we understand the power of getting together. You are invited to our Pitch XXL, where entrepreneurs, dreamers and go-getters gather. It’s not just an event, it’s a celebration of the relentless drive to make a positive impact on our society. »

What you will get

Inspiring speeches

Witness the energy as entrepreneurs take the stage to present their projects.

Interactive Q&A

Have burning questions for the entrepreneurs? We’ve got you covered!

Dynamic speakers

Engage with our partners and speakers who will share their insights and wisdom.

Connect & Celebrate

After the conference, let the networking begin!


Discover our
previous edition

Pitchers of 2023

MiraPulse's mission is to free people suffering from severe menstrual pain through its advanced electrostimulation technology, which targets the nerves responsible for pain.

Idris Mughal

Unago's mission is to reintegrate individuals with criminal records into society by connecting them with suitable employment opportunities and assisting companies in recruiting motivated candidates,
ultimately enhancing their social impact.

Coraline De Spirlet

MyFitnessJourney helps entrepreneurs get into peak shape, without them having to sacrifice their valuable time. An online coaching platform that offers personalized health guidance, based on science and data. Easy diets and training plans, so losing weight is made easy, fun and inevitable.

Hanna Jabali Adeh & Giuseppe Jung

Ekowz offers a platform that makes buildings smart, employees committed, and culture sustainable by leveraging the power of data.

Nael Giannini

Breeze Medical is your gateway to better health, offering a revolutionary tool that empowers you and your healthcare provider to detect early signs of oral health issues, orthodontic concerns, and sleep-related airway problems.With an easy 1-2-3 process, you can maintain a radiant smile and improve your overall well-being.

Jason Pettiaux & Nele Bries
Breeze Medical

Dalf offers anti-waste recipes of natural dips based on organic, local and seasonal vegetables, collected directly from Belgian farmers.

Sophie Jaquemin

Ouistity is a visionary innovation that redefines the beauty of smiles, boosting self-confidence. Our product puts a smile on your face.

Dat Axel Huynh
We're lucky to work
with the best.